Following some blue screens the most often emerge at windows XP :
Blue screen this type of most popular cause most often emerges. Cause the happening of this blue screen because of incompatible driver problem and also conflict. But this blue screen can be also caused by overclock abundant graphical card.
Its solution?Try analysis wether you just change new graphical card? If true, ascertain driver old ones VGA are vanished before install driver for new VGA, and ascertain driver fit in with graphical card your property.
If this blue screen happens causes you boost up clock your graphical card, then downgrade clock graphical card is referred.
Blue screen by error message like this caused existence of mistake in configuraton jumper hard disk drive. In other hand, virus in boot sector, IDE driver Controller wrong ones, or driver mistake chipset also can become its cause.
Its way to overcome, check setting jumper at hard disk drive. Ascertain master configuraton or slave. Usually to make slave enough by release jumper are referred.
From its message its error just already always remember cause the happening of this blue screen. If you guess blue screen notices error are referred caused by file damage system at hard disk drive, your answer precise.
Way handle it like this, try check Hard disk drive by open Windows explorer later, right click at hard disk drive drive, last click "properties", click "Tools" last click "check now". At tab "error checking" say the word centang on the two opdon, last click OK. After analysis finishes Restart computer.
Try check hard disk drive cable, what/wheter has been attached truly. If has not yet tried tighten cable is referred, or try change your cable of hard disk drive IDE with new. If this blue screen still often emerges, to repair file damage system with utiliti like Partition Table Doctor.
This blue screen is caused existence of abundant overclock, unsolved memory, or BIOS that error. This condition can be also caused by computer that too heat.
To handle this blue screen, downgrade clock processor and graphic card. Check also speed of processor fan and graphic card. If its rotation has weakened, better immediately change fan are referred.
If this blue screen is caused by BIOS, then you can conduct update BIOS, Don't forget to ascertain BIOS bari compatible with motherboard. Check also RAM, you can wear software of memory tester for example memtest86. If detected unsolved RAM at testing result, then RAM are referred.
Its cause is failure windows in executing file DLL, or can be also caused by other condition like file DLL missing and also damage. Other Cause is existence of file registri that bothered.
To overcome it you must prepare installation CD windows. Boot with CD, last select Repair.
Registri important File is will never run because file is referred damaged or lossed. File can be damaged or lossed because damage Hard disk drive. Can also this screen emerges because place memory registri is referred executed have parity error.
Its solution checked RAM was with last memtest86 free unsolved RAM, don't forget to clean socket and RAM pins. If this blue screen still emerges, try repair windows with its installation CD. If this blue screen still happens also, then try change your RAM with new.
Message like that designate existence of problem at driver. Besides driver problem, error like that can be also caused by file unsolved system, page damage file, or hardware damage. That Hardware usually memory or hard disk drive.
This blue Problem of screen causative damage registri. Unsolved RAM also can generate this problem.
Try check socket and RAM pin, clean socket and RAM pins.
This blue screen emerges caused by hardware damage, like hard disk drive, memory or VGA. Destroy its L2 cache at processor also can become blue screen cause is referred.
Its way to overcome is by change or service damage component is referred.
Data of error bus is caused by some factors. For example is its handicap RAM, L2 RAM cache, graphic card, or can also effect of clock unegual RAM. Master boot record (MBR) that attacked by virus also can become cause the happening of blue screen is referred.
Its way to overcome that is by using RAM with PC in common, scan hard disk drive with antiviral, repair MBR with CD installer windows.
This blue screen Cause emerging is annoyance important process like Winlogon and CSRRS. Windows unable to operates because process are referred bothered.
Malware also can become cause the happening of blue screen is referred.
To overcome it, you can conduct system restore pass by safe mode or can also repair windows by using installation CD windows. Then full scan system with antivirus to eliminate malware that have a nest in your computer.
nice post, most helpfull my problem